Embrace the Power of Spiritual Insight and Healing.

My Story

Hi, my name is Sue.

I am a Psychic Tarot reader and alignment coach. I have been aware of my guides since I was 5 years of age. Over the years I have perfected the art of channeling the right messages from spirit to guide my clients towards a path of enjoyment and purpose.

My angels give clear messages in readings, regarding love, career moves and manifested life goals which maybe long overdue.

No matter how complicated a situation there is always a solution and a way forward. My readings come from a grounded perspective, with a soft honest approach that helps clients understand the spiritual guidance that is given.

My Philosophy

Most readings are about change. Change of living circumstance, a change in relationships, and the start of one or maybe the end of one. Change with work and career as well. We are all evolving and this is what most readings refer to.

When life stays the same for a while a certain amount of comfort sets in. Good or bad comfort is comfort. When something presents to disrupt this comfort we get pushed into making decisions around change. This is where psychic readings are excellent. They shine a light on areas of life that maybe blocking your ability to see change in a positive light. My readings are always looking towards alignment.

I am a firm believer that without alignment … as above so below… a person will never achieve what they should in this lifetime. I don’t concentrate on the past in readings, unless it has a direct connection to inhibiting your way forward. In my readings I let spirit give me a focus and the reading will feed back in to that focus.

If the past has something to do with that focus then I will address it however not for long as I believe everything that is for you is here presently or in the near future. I love my guides, as they are dynamic!!! Some of my guides did not live to their true potential in their lifetime and want to make up for it by guiding and helping me help you, for that I am truly thankful.



The  Western Monk Teahouse is a community which encourages a positive change in the relationship with alcohol. Please support this page as we all move towards a higher vibration.

The Western Monk tarot readings offer spiritual guidance in regard to love, career and life goals that maybe long over due.

Book a Reading

Book in a reading for yourself or with a group of friends and find out what lies ahead in the coming months.


Let’s Raise Our Vibration - Cartoons by The Western Monk