The Western Monk Teahouse

The Western Monk Teahouse is a space, which motivates, encourages and supports any individual that wants to change their relationship with alcohol.

The teahouse does not care if you have tried to change your relationship with alcohol once, several times or several million times. However we do care if you quit trying which is why we are here.

The teahouse was started over 7 years ago when Sue (me) started exploring my relationship with alcohol and gathering motivating material to help me quit drinking.

My story is no secret.

I was born with a psychic gift, however my path to using that gift took a 26-year detour because of my relationship with alcohol.

It took me an incredible amount of time to find reading material, documentaries, podcasts, Facebook groups, music to help with my path away from alcohol, which is why I started The Western Monk Teahouse.

I tried 7 times to give up alcohol, and one day it stuck, and my whole world changed.

The Western Monk Tarot Cards

Inspirational Cards for Breaking Bad Habits

I tried to give up alcohol several times. Each time I gave up I would educate myself that little bit more about the hurdles and the brick walls, which hinder the process.

Eventually the 7th time I tried, I knew with every cell in my body that this was the time, I would never go back.

Being creative has been an immense help in navigating my escape from a habit, which has gripped my family for generations.

I hope you enjoy my creation as much as I enjoyed making it and it helps you loosen your grip on any habit you may have.